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World Bank Group Timeline

June 25, 1946

World Bank staff start their first day of work

The World Bank opens for business on the 10th floor of 1818 H St. NW, Washington, D.C. The Bank begins operations with a staff of 26, with 12 Executive Directors and 38 member countries meaning that, for a brief time, there is less than one staffmember per country.

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World Bank Opens Doors 75 Years Ago

Originally published: June 2021
Seventy-five years ago, the World Bank opened its doors on June 25, 1946, nearly 2 years after its Articles of Agreement had been drafted at the Bretton Woods conference in New Hampshire. The WBG Archives celebrates the first day of work with a video highlighting the archival holdings that illuminate these early years.  

Early World Bank telephone directory

This World Bank telephone directory, produced during the institution's first year of operations, includes 61 staff members (Reference holdings).

International Bank Notes, Vol. 1, No. 1

Document date: April 25, 1947
The World Bank's first internal newsletter provides a glimpse into Bank operations and staff life.

Administrative Order No. 1 -- Organization of the Office Services

Sept. 5, 1946
The World Bank's first administrative order establishes the office of chief of office services, which is responsible for payroll, travel, transportation, property, and supply. William E. McCorkle is named chief of office services (30151841).

Administrative Order No. 3 -- Organization of the Communications and Records Services

Sept. 30, 1946
The newly established office of chief of communications and records is responsible for mail and wire services and maintaing the general central files (30151839).