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World Bank Group Timeline

December 27, 1945

World Bank’s Articles of Agreement enter into force

The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development is officially created when, on December 27th, 1945, a sufficient number of member country representatives convene in Washington, D.C., and sign the Bank’s Articles of Agreement. In a statement, U.S. Treasury Secretary Fred Vinson announces that, “History is being written today.”

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75th Anniversary of World Bank Articles of Agreement Ratification

Originally published: December 2020
This exhibit marks the 75th anniversary of the day when representatives from twenty-one countries convened in Washington, D.C. to become the Bank’s first members, thereby ratifying the Articles and ushering the Bank into existence. 

Press release -- Treasury Secretary Vinson's statement

Dec. 27, 1945
The press release, released on the day that the World Bank's Articles of Agreement are ratified, contains a statement made by U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Fred M. Vinson regarding the purpose and promise of the Bretton Woods institutions (1806671). 

Signing of the World Bank's Articles of Agreement

Dec. 27, 1945
U.S. Acting Secretary of State Dean Acheson addresses representatives gathered at the State Department in Washington, D.C. to sign the Bretton Woods agreement (30083352; Credit: Wide World Photos).